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Language learning provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication and multilingual skills, while exploring and contributing to globalised interconnectedness and diversity through the lens of our Catholic faith. A strong Languages curriculum enables students to deeply explore the concept of ‘otherness’ from an inquisitive and curious mindset, resulting in building connections across their learning experience.
The Languages in Motion: CECV Languages Strategy 2023–2025 represents our commitment to:
- design, develop and deploy an expanded mode of engagement with schools, based on quality open-access system resources and intensive interdiocesan and school partnerships
- implement effective system-wide languages programs and assessment practices, with a focus on student voice and ownership of learning
- strengthen language improvement and implementation processes across all schools, particularly through School Improvement Plans (SIP) and Annual Action Plans (AAP).
To enquire about Languages, please contact Chloe Briand via cbriand@macs.vic.edu.au.